Friday, September 26, 2008

Top Weight Loss Techniques and Tricks Revealed - Cheat Weight Loss and Make it Easy! By Jennifer Jolan Platinum Quality Author

Here are some of the best and easiest weight loss techniques and tricks you can do to lose weight fast while making it as easy as possible for yourself. Read this now if you don't want to suffer while losing weight.

Weight Loss Techniques

1. Focus on just 1 meal and your snacks

That 1 meal to focus on... breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day... BY FAR. Overnight your body is fasting because of your sleep. When you wake up, you need fuel to jumpstart your metabolism. The best fuel is protein since its a natural metabolism booster to begin with. The best protein source... eggs.

So focus on eating eggs for breakfast.

Next, concentrate on your snacks. If you can get your snacks and breakfast right, lunch and dinner become a lot more easy to deal with. The reason is simple. You won't play the "CALORIE CATCH-UP" game because you'll front load a good portion of your calories for breakfast and snacks.

You see, people who skip breakfast come back to lunch and especially dinner like crazed animals usually. OVERLOADING their bodies with too many calories getting dumped in. This destroys your natural digestive process. Things don't get digested and instead are left purifying inside your colon (sometimes for years)!

So it's much better to have a nice, slightly front-loaded, calorie intake that is more balanced throughout the day instead of 1-2 large dumps of calories in the afternoon and evening.

Best snacks... low calorie yogurts, apples, and black olives.

2. Don't neglect the important of your hormones in weight loss

Your hormones are being RAVAGED by man-made chemicals in our foods, water, air, etc. They're everywhere and they have a disgusting affect of destroying our health and ruining our bodies. Not only do you have to deal with that, but when you take such things like birth control pills or drugs to counteract high cholesterol, you pretty much are directly wreaking havoc on your own hormones.

They become so out of whack that your body just deteriorates over time... QUICKLY.

One way you can fight these things that are messing with your hormones is to spin around in a circle. This increases your energy and has a balancing affect on the hormones because of the natural stimulation that spinning has on your Endocrine System. So the partial, if not full, solution to helping you to lose weight is to do some spins daily.

These are just a couple of the top weight loss techniques and tricks you can do to in effect... CHEAT the losing weight process by making it a lot easier and quicker.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...

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