Friday, September 26, 2008

Learn the Tricks on How to Lose Weight After Child Birth Quickly By Anna P Jones Platinum Quality Author

Almost every new mother wants to know how to lose weight after child birth. Although most of us dream of reaching our pre-pregnancy weight and pants size again, not many of us know how to manage it. We think in terms of crash diets, or exercise programs and gym memberships. And then get depressed and despondent when our new life-with-kid makes it impossible to take care of ourselves the way we think we should.

Ladies, the key word there is 'think'. Yes, we do need to take care of ourselves, especially with the strain of labor, sleepless nights and crazy days. However, dieting and gym time are not necessarily what we need.

How to lose weight after childbirth? First, manage to be healthy. Get enough to eat, if you can't manager three squares a day (and not many new moms can) graze and snack on healthy munchies. I like fruit, nuts, cheese and crackers myself. Next, find a way to get enough sleep. Try napping when baby does, and go to bed on the early side. Finally, get away. Even if just for an hour a week, get out of the house, and have some me time, some girl time, or some time with family.

When you manage all of this, you are ready to worry about how to lose weight after child birth.

And you will probably be pleasantly surprised to find how much weight you did lose while you weren't looking. Sadly, while the first ten to fifteen pounds are quite willing to melt off while you are looking the other way, for the rest, you will need to work at.

Of course, at this point, most mothers still won't have time to hit the gym, or set aside an hour of exercise every few days. Figuring out how to lose weight after child birth takes some creativity.

Or, you could cheat. There is no reason you can't take the easy way out, and find a great program designed for new mothers trying to learn how to lose weight after child birth. There are several of them out there, some created by 'experts' who clearly don't understand what life is like with a new baby, but many created by mothers who are also personal trainers.

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